I have a multi-module Maven setup with Java code. My unit tests, in one of the modules, exercise code in multiple modules. Naturally,the moduleshaveinter-dependencies, and code in all relevant module
I tried to get Cobertura running inside my ant script. All is successfull (source code building, junit tests, cobertura reports (xml / html); but in html reports, the code coverage is always at 0% ...
I have an Ant build script that instruments some jar files, starts some servers using those jars files and then runs an integration test suite of junit tests against them.
I have downloaded the zip file of version cobertura- But i\'m not able find how use the same with my project. Can you please help on this?
I\'m using Cobertura 1.9.3 with NetBeans 6.8, Ant 1.7.1 and JDK 1.6.0_21 running with -WAR, and EJB, JUnit 4 tests.
I was trying to ignor开发者_Python百科e all the toString() methods from instrumentation using following configuration. This wasn\'t really working? This is using cobertura as maven plugin. This was ba
Is it possible using Cobertura to tell it to ignore certain bits of code that are identified by start and end comments?
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I tried to remove some classes from the cobertura report as <target name=\"voldemort-instrument\" description=\"Instrument Voldemort Classes\">