I am accessing the DLL from JavaScript using JSCTypes. I have to receive data by passing a character buffer to the following API,
I\'m trying to have FFI support for my new programming language, which is written in C++ with QT Creator using the MinGW toolchain.
I\'m trying to build the foreign function interface library for a Cortex-M3 processor using GCC. According to http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/ARM-Options.html:
I\'ve to do an interface (say, a wrapper) that allow a call from X86_64 assembly code using his calling convention to C function, with other calling convention. The best thing would be to be pretty \"
I\'m creating an application in RubyCocoa and I have this code: fileContents = OSX::NSAttributedString.alloc.initWithData_options_documentAttributes_error_(data, null, null, outError)