I want to start testing the JavaScript in my Rails apps with qUnit and I\'m wondering how to keep the test JavaScript and test runner HTML page under version control (I\'m using Git, of course) but ke
养平卉 2022-04-18 15:24 要看什么地方,各地价格不同的,与当地工价有关。一般每平方实用面积工价是:预埋普通水电30左右,按标准规范做要40左右,绝大部分是做普通的。以百平来算,工钱约3000,料钱也约3000,不包灯,
We\'re slowly converting a big and complicated collection of Delphi 6 projects to Delphi 2007. In Delphi I can use compiler directives in dpr, dpk and pas files to make different code visible to diff