i have a simple question: Should i resize a bigg开发者_如何学Goer bitmap before adding to a ImageView or let the ImageView resize the Bitmap?
package t.circle; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Matrix;
I have a ListView in my layout. Here is the layout for list item. shopitem.xml <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
I have been following a tutorial that remotely downloads an image to an imageview, but i\'m not sure how to add a progress dialog (image or something) to show the user that image is downloading, inste
I having some problem with changing the resource of an imageview when i click an item. I know that any graphical updates should be done in the UI thread and I have tried two ways without success:
I have a quick question. Im currently using bitmaps that get drawn above a dynamic moving object on screen and when a user clicks them Im using some custom code to open a view with a registered onclic
My requirement is to read an input from a date entry to search images between specific date range. So far I have just created a gallery view to retrieve all images from the images folder.
I have an image view whose background is a xml shapedrawable i.e. a rect开发者_StackOverflowangle shape drawable.My app\'s orientationis fixed to landscape view.
Suppose I want to create an activity that displays 12 different PNG images. Should I create a class extending View (let say "MyView") in which I would use canvas.drawBitmap(...)?
I am attempting to reuse ImageView objects in a RelativeLayout to avoid the cost of memory allocation. Specifically I create an ImageView programatically, and associate a fade animatiom with it. The a