I have been attempting to use Zend Translate to display translated menu items to the user. It works fine until I introduce special characters into the translation files.
I have extended Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu, and it uses a RecursiveIteratorIterator to iterate over the menu tree.What I want to be able to determine is whether I am on the first or last item fo
i use a xml file for creating a Zend navigation $navContainerConfig = new Zend_Config_Xml(APPLICATION_PATH . \'/configs/navigation.xml\', \'nav\');
I am using Zend Framework 1.10.8. I want to create a breadcrumb section in my layout.phtml. There are some links in my menu that have dynamic url parameters like http://mydomain.com/editor/edit/id/42
In Zend\'s Documentation they write about creating Navigation Containers. But they don\'t explain where I should create them. Does anyone know that?
I have an access denied page, which should not be shown in menus. However, it\'s possible for the user to be redirected to the access denied page.
I store my navigation content in a navigation.xml file in the configs folder of my project. Basically I have two modules, the default module that deals with e.g. authentication and basic page usage
I\'m using a XML (click here to see) with Zend_Navigation to render this: which Menu Principal is the first level, then Home and Quem Somos, then the dropdown is the third and last level. I want this
I am using zend_navigation for creating menu. Which works fine. Now i m looking if i can take current page and set it as page title using headTitle. Is there is any way to do that?
heres my setup: http://www.example.com/<module>/<controller>/<action> I have this route defined: