I would like to create a component to decorate its children, such as: mycomponent.ui.xml: <g:FlowPanel addStyleNames=\"myStyle\">
@UiHandler(\"addDynamicTextboxbutton\") void addMoreTextbox(ClickEvent event) { textboxplaceholder.add(new TextBox(),\"textboxplace\");
I see nothing in the documentation except a reference to include some \"CssResource\" and get it with ClientBundle,开发者_如何学编程 but how do I exactly override the tbody and th of a CellTable?
How does it work? I see no tags defi开发者_开发知识库ned for example to add a CellTable in a UiBinder.ui.xml file, like
I would like to share a CSS across multiple widgets using . I can see that css class name are obfuscated but the class definition
My existing layout is a stack of two divs - g:layers in a LayoutPanel.The top div should be as big as it needs to be to contain its contents.The bottom div should take up the rest of the space on the
I am trying to integrate with the new GWT Editor framework of GWT 2.1.0. I also want to add my validation checks into the framework. However, I am struggling to find a decent example how to do this.
in my ui.xml, i have style like below <ui:style src=\"../t开发者_运维问答eststyle.css\" />
I tried to use gwt\'s uiBinder to get an image, but it wont\' work, in the .xml file, i defined: <ui:with field=\'res\' type=\"com.my.services.email.client.Resources\"/>
I want to make a table of data in a UiBinder.I need programmatic access so I can add data at runtime, but I\'d like my designer to have access to header names, column styles, etc, in the ui.xml file.