public enum Scale2 { GOOD(\'C\') { public char getGrade() { return grade; } }, BETTER(\'B\') { public char getGrade() {
From the SCJP Questions PDF book, I got this question.. 1. enum Animals { 2. DOG(\"woof\"开发者_StackOverflow中文版), CAT(\"meow\"), FISH(\"burble\");
I am running into a question about equals and hashCode contracts: here it is Given: class SortOf { String name;
I would like to know the reason why this is first allowedin Java (or oops in general) I remember that the static methods are common for both parent and child class
class Building{ Building(){ System.out.print(\"b \"); } Building(String name){ this(); System.out.print(\"bn \"+name);
I am currently studying for the SCJP certification using the Sierra and Bates Study Guide and in many of the self tests (mock exam questions) I keep running into the same problem - I can\'t tell wheth
class Another { public void method(Object o) { System.out.println(\"This is in method which takes object\");
I\'m preparing the SCJP exam with the almost official study book ("SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065")
Is it possible to solve a problem of O(n!) complexity within a reasonable time given infinite number of process开发者_StackOverflowing units and infinite space?
22543565757kss 2开发者_如何学JAVA022-04-19 10:56 电视剧《启航:当风起时》有第二季,在官方发布的彩蛋中,也暗示了将有第二部,两兄弟将再次合作,东山再起。据经典问答小编了解,有媒体记者从《启航:当风起