I have a MVC web application. I am calling the controller method through the getJSON() method of the jquery.
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I\'m binding DataTemplates to an XmlDataProvider. Since the XML data in question makes use of namespaces, I\'ve also attached an XmlNamespaceManager to the XmlDataProvider and mapped a prefix to it.
I have some NSDictionary objects stored in an NSArray called telephoneArray.I fetch the values for the key number and then replace the NSDictionary I\'ve just read with a new object at the same index
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邓超晒“严禁拍照”照片 邓超 25日凌晨,邓超在微博更新动态。他晒开发者_开发技巧出了一张贴着“严禁拍照,发现追责”的照片,调侃自己要被追责了。网友纷纷调侃他:“顶风作案”“自己去领罚吧”“哈哈哈超哥你完了