I am working on idp-initiated authentication. I have created a response to be sent to SalesForce but stuck at one point. See the XML code below. Tell me 开发者_JS百科 from where I can get values to be
In scala, when I use the ensuring predef, it works only on the else part of an if-else expression: def evenIt(x:Int) = {
Environment: - Win7 pro x64 - VS2010 - C++ - Empty Project Goal: Implementation of Dijkstra\'s shortest path algo using a priority queue.
Actually the title includes the question. I wou开发者_开发百科ld like to know how many assertions have been evaluated in the tests.You could use aspectj for this. If you define a pointcut that matche
How can I programmatically enable assert for particular classes, instead of specifying开发者_JS百科 command line param \"-ea\"?
I have a Rails view that outputs HTML similar to this: <html> <body> <h1>Keywords</h1>
I\'ve written an assertion method Ensure.CurrentlyOnUiThread(), below, that checks that the current thread is a UI thread.
I would like to get some opinions on an idea for a partial implementation of design by contract. The goal is to add to the languages that don\'t offer it a light version of contracts (invariants and p
I\'d like to start putting assertions in my controllers and models, to assert runtime behavior. How can I access all of the assertion helpers that are available in unit tests?
My line coverage for unit tests measured by Cobertura is suffering, because I have assert statements which are not covered in tests. Should I be testing assertions, and is there any way to get Cobertu