is there a work-around for SDK 1.6 problem? If you try to install an appWidget on a home screen with not enough space, the widget\'s onUpdate() is called, the widget\'s config activity is called and
I am coming across an error when I am updating my RemoteViews in my AppWidget. ..!!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!
I am having trouble when I add a one or more instances of my widget to the home screen, remove them all, then add another.
everyone, i\'ve a little problem how to use variable from another class file to App Widget. Here, my little sourcecode :
I am building an AppWidget which I\'m hoping to be skinnable by allowing the user to download skins from a central repository.
Hello I\'m trying to add buttons to my Appwidget, but even after reading many codes, my buttons aren\'t working.
After lots of efforts in doing this, i finally asking. I have widget with textview, button and imageview. both views are loaded from preference. I am able to start myActivityA when user clicks textvie
How do I reopen the configuration activity for a widget after it has been added to the homescreen? The following code from a Google search does not work because the widget id in the extra does not ca
I am writing a homescreen replacement App. I\'d like to allow users the same selection of Widgets that are available on the HTC Sense Homescreen on HTC phones.
I\'m looking for a way to draw a loading icon (e.g circle bar) while my widget is launching. By default, I use the initial layout described in appwidget-provider xml resource file: