I would like to control my cron jobs through my administration page. Basically I have my c开发者_如何学Cronjobs in my database, and I would like to create my crontab \"on the fly\".
I need to devel开发者_高级运维op a task system that should be able to work on servers that doesn\'t support crontab.
every Monday I need to empty few fields of a MYSQL database I have Firstly I thought about using a cron job, but my Web Hosting provider (fatcow.com) doesn\'t support neither SSH or Command Lines int
If you have开发者_如何转开发 a crontab job that runs every 5 minutes, how do you ensure that it won\'t ever overrun itself?That is, how do you make sure that the previous iteration of the crontab job
I\'m building a website that will run a series of cron tasks daily to update information in a database that is then used in the site. I have three environments setup: development (my computer), stagin
I\'ve a php script which runs from webservice and insert to DB. crontab -e ......other cron tasks above.......
I would like to introduce a Cron tak that will \'gzip\' files with the following rule: Locate files in a folder name \'/log\' (can be located anywhere in the filesystem) and
My catalog price rules consistently fail.. They\'ve failed ever since 1.4.1. I\'ve upgraded to 1.4.2 because some people said that it was fixed, unfortunately for me it wasn\'t.
Is it possible to use PHP to create, edit and delete crontab jobs? I know how to list the current crontab jobs of the Apache user:
I would like to add an intensive task (lets say 5 minutes execution time) into Wordpress using cron job.