I have a numeric type attribute, and I discretized it into 6 bins. But, after discretization, the range looks like (3.663336-4.325577]
I\'m using a FilteredClassifier.classifyInstance() to classify my instances in weka. I have 2 classes (true and false) and I have many positives, so I actually need to know the score of each isntance
I have an ARFF that i\'ve loaded into the weka explorer. I\'m quite new to weka but to my understanding the arff i have should be working however none of the classifiers appear to work with it?
I have some code that gives me a list of words with their frequencies that they occur in the text, I\'m looking to make it so the code converts the top 10 words automatically into an ARFF with
On the explorer in weka you can perform clustering on data then use the visualisation to save a new arff file with the cluster assignments as attributes.
I\'m applying the following filter to my data. string[] options = new string[2]; options[0] = \"-R\"; options[1] = \"1-2\";
Let\'s say, I\'ve build a model (e.g. J4.8 tree) and evaluated it with cross-validation. How can I use this model to classify new dataset? I know, I can set a file with the data to classify with \"Sup
I\'m working with a large library, weka, and I\'d like to transfer instances between the PC version and Android version.I\'d rather not have to rewrite the entire serialization between the two, but re
I am using this setting in GUI and JAVA: -R last -W 1000 -prune-rate -1.0 -C -I -N 0 -S -stemmer weka.core.stemmers.NullStemmer
I am doing a project where I have neural networks (or other algorithms) play each other in poker. After each win or loss, I want the neural network (or other algorithm) to update in response to the er