How can I set the charset with JAX-RS? I\'ve tried @Produces(\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\") but that was ignored and only text/html was send with the HTTP header. I want to set the charset within a Mes
I would like to check in a JAX-RS webservice request that valid XML was included in the body.However, this code:
I am using @PathParam and the request for开发者_运维问答mat is like this: @Path(\"/XXX/XXX/{testvariable:[\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\\S]+}\")
Spring MVC names objects that contain a logical view name and the payload to render ModelAndView, the JAX-RS implementation Jersey names them Viewable. I like Viewable a bit better, but maybe you have
I have read that I can create an implementation of that will map a thrown application exception to a Response object.
I have a JAX-RS webservice that makes use of JPA entity classes.I have a resource class like this: @Path(\"/entity\")
Here\'s my problem: Say I have two entities annotated with JAX-RS开发者_开发技巧 annotations: @XmlRootElement
I have a REST service built using Jersey. I want to be able to set the MIME of my custom exception writers depending on the MIME that was sent to the server. application/json is returned when json is
In my RESTEasy application I\'m getting a java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException, because a checked exception is being thrown from a method that doesn\'t declare the exception in the throws 开
I\'m trying to add custom HTTP header to response in Apache CXF. I need to count MD5 from content and add it as a HTTP header. I tried to use ResponseHandler or Interceptor. My last try was