I noticed a problem when I was trying to use del in a lambda to thin out a list of threads to just those running:
How can I view and override the full definition for built in classes? I have seen the lib开发者_StackOverflow社区rary docs but am looking for something more.
This question is for those familiar with implementing the iphone in-app store functionality. The app I\'m building has only built-in features that are unlocked when features are purchased.Further, an
I think I\'m going mad - this seemed like an easy thing to do but I can\'t find any info on it at all.
I have used the following statements to get the current time. print \"$query executed successfully at \",localtime;
I开发者_如何学Python tried to find a built-in for geometric mean but couldn\'t. (Obviously a built-in isn\'t going to save me any time while working in the shell, nor do I suspect there\'s any differ
Perl has quite a few special variables such as @F, $!, %! ... e开发者_如何转开发tc. Where are all Perl\'s special variables documented?All special variables used by Perl are documented in perldoc perl
When looping recursively through folders with files containing spaces the shell script I use is of this form, copied from the internet:
I want to subclass the list type and have slicing return an object of the descendant type, however it is returning a list. What is the minimum code way to do this?
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