I\'ve been hearing/reading a lot about covariance issues in C# and I wanted to pose a few questions & scenarios so hopefully I can clear up my confusion on the matter.
On the msdn page on contravariance I find a quite interesting example that shows \"benefits of contravariance in IComparer\"
I want to use unity for a polymorphic event aggregation/handling where handlers are registered through the container.
I have read a good article introducing the covariance and contracovariance http://bartdesmet.net/blogs/bart/archive/2009/04/15/14377.aspx
public interface IShape{} public class Rectangle : IShape{} public class Base{} public class Derived : Base{}
Can you please explain why it is possible to do: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Covariance {
I\'m trying to implement a strategy pattern to allow me to allow me to apply some \"benefit\" to an \"account\". In the code below, I can\'t add my implementation of an interface to a dictionary expec
I have been battling with this for a while, so any help would be appreciated. Here\'s the scenario i am faced with on C# .NET 4.0.
I am thinking of the following example to illustrate why contravariance is useful. Let\'s consider a GUI framework with Widgets, Events, and Event Listeners.
Inspired by Real-world examples of co- and contravariance in Scala I thought a better question would be: