I have 3 dropdownlist First dropdownlist is pulling categories when i select a category from ddlist 1,
We develop using Sharepoint, therefore we have to stick to ASP.NET 3.5. In case if our page have field with autopostback and a button we encounter race conditions as soon as user was on autopostback f
Background: I have a winForm app that registers a user in the database based on the user input provided in the form, auto-generates a random password and username for the user, and e-mails the user a
After doing a lot of research online I\'m still stumped by this problem.I have a page that loads the names and count of categories into a drop down list.I only do this if !(Page.IsPostBack).When AutoP
Background: I have a winForm app that registers a user in the database based on the information provided, auto-generates a random password and username, and e-mails the user a link to take an applicat
I know that this is not the first time a question about this issue has been posted here, but I haven\'t managed to find an answer to my question.
I have a table inside a placeholder. when i click a go button the table becomes visible. 开发者_JAVA技巧However when i click on a radiobutton list with autopostback property set to true, the table wit
New to posting here, but I\'ve read a lot of the other threads & found great answers in the past!I\'m hoping someone knows why this may be happening...On my DDL the server side SelectedIndexChange
I want to store items to a list but everytime i press the confirm button to add one item to the list the page will refresh and reset my list. How do i stop this from happening whilst at the same time
I am trying to add Ajax functionality to my MVC application. I want a form to post back asynchronously. Here\'s the form code: