I\'m developing for Reactivision using Openframeworks, and I need to place an ofImage (which can be place anywhere in the screen) around a circle, and also rotating it by a specific angle. I include a
I\'m a openFrameworks newbie. I am learning basic 2d drawing which is all great so far. I have drawn a circle开发者_如何转开发 using:
I started playing with the Kinect and I would like to use skeleton tracking using OpenNI. Since my knowledge of c++ is limited, the easiest option is to use the ofxOpenNI addon for OpenFrameworks.
I was \'cleaning up\' a project and deleted some of the references to libs used with openFrameworks. Certain things weren\'t being used, or so I mistakenly thought... Panic in my project!
I\'m drawing an oblong \'egg\' shape (on iOS), and want to use it as a boundary for particles. My thought is to use the curve paths to make a UIView and then use hitTest:withEvent: or pointInside:with
An trying to 开发者_如何转开发get openframeworks to build me my application so that i can open it from anywhere and it will load the needed images from within the apps Resources folder.
I am working in a project using openframeworks and I\'ve bee开发者_开发知识库n having some problems lately when writing XMLs. I\'ve traced down the problem to a sprintf:
The simple version of my project is rotating a sphere based on user input. However my rotations get weird after multiple rotations in certain situations due to openGL\'s local coordinate system.
I want to develop a program which uses the webcam to track finger tips. When tracked, the finger tip will be like an index and I will be able to get its positions even if it is moved around. I开发者_P
My background is php so entering the world of low-level stuff like char is bytes, which are bits, which is binary values, etc is taking some time to get the hang of.