I would like to create dynamically a new instance of a class with a specific metaclass in python. I\'ve tried this :
My class Item describes certain items, which are naturally known by their numeric ID (0, 1, 2, ...). I have implemented a registry inside the class, which indexes all the objects by their ID. I also h
okay, s开发者_开发问答o I understand that an object is an instance of a class that must be allocated and initialized, but are classes themselves objects?
I\'m reading some data, which I want to create classes out of - this is done at load-time. The classes are grouped into a Special class, which can only be instantiated using run-time information. The
I\'ve got a class that is a descendant of SQLAlchemy\'s declarative base. I need to write a bridge object that will translate between the declarative base and another system I am running, but I want t
Sorry if I have to use you as Google, but Google does not help. I was lo开发者_开发知识库oking for a very good tutorial about metaclasses in Python. One feature I remember about it was a three-paned i
I have simple Groovy category class which adds method to String instances: final class SampleCategory {
I discovered that the existence and use of metaclasses can save you from a lot code-writing by providing an elegant handle on the process of class creation. I use this in my application, where several
I want to know whether the object that would be created from a class reference is an instance of a particular class or any of its descendants.
I am prototyping a new system in Python; the functionality is mostly numerical. An important requirement is the ability to use different linear algebra back-ends: from individual user implementations