I am trying to implement the Canopy clustering algorithm along with K-Means. I\'ve done some searching online that says to use Canopy clustering to get your initial starting points to feed into K-mean
First without the details I have data.frames like that one: val1 val2 val3 val4 val5 25.755.64.99.9
I am using %in% for subsetting and I came across a strange result. > my.data[my.data$V3 %in% seq(200,210,.01),]
Why doesn\'t subset() work with a logical and && operator combining two conditions? &g开发者_JAVA百科t; subset(tt, (customer_id==177 && visit_date==\"2010-08-26\"))
When subsetting a data.frame inside of a list, I get vectors instead of a data.frames (see the example below). How to a开发者_开发百科void this and get a data.frames?
Suppose I have two containers with the same CSS applied to them and their sub items. <div class=\"wrapper\">
I never came to any conclusions re: this question, so I thought I would rephrase it and ask again. I would like to subsample my dataset 10,000 times to generate means and 95% CIs for each of my respo
I would like to use the subset function in R to extract smaller groups of panel study time series data.
Here is a sample: > tmp labelvalue1开发者_JS百科value2 1aa_x_xxxxx 2bc_x_xxxxx 3aa_x_xxxxx 4bc_x_xxxxx
I have two arrays. One is a larger bit of data: Array ( [12] => blah [36] => foo [58] => blah [60] =>开发者_JS百科; blah