I need to know how to extract everyname & number from the address book in xcode fo开发者_JS百科r the iphone. I need to have the name and number in the following format:
The problem is that I always get runtime crashes at any method invoked at phones variable. At this version I get an error at 1 (ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex).
I\'m currently trying to implement a UITableView with a delegate and data source that replicates, as closely as possible, the functionality found the ABAddressBookUI framework\'s ABPeoplePickerNavigat
I want to show the filtered list of contacts in ABPeoplePickerNavigationController, the persons who have their email address should be shown, and those who dont have email address should not be in the
I am developing an application to backup the whole address book into amazon s3,but i cant able to find any direct iphone api to get the whole address book into any data structure.
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I had to get the user\'s yahoo address book using PHP\'s CURL when user gave login name and password. It was working fine. Address book has been got as CSV format. But now suddenly things are stop wor
My app presently reads and writes to the local Mac OS X 10.6 client addressbook using the AddressBook.framework.It works fine.
I am using a ABPersonViewController and ABNewPersonViewController class by pushview controller. ABPersonViewController *pvc = [[ABPersonViewController alloc] init];
How can i sort (or retrieve sorted array of ) an iphone contact book 开发者_Go百科by first name & last name programmatically ??