Apple says: Important: Instances of ABAddressBookRef can not be used by multiple threads. Each thread must make its own instance.
In apple\'s document, apple says: Important: Instances of ABAddressBookRef can not be used by multiple
In viewDidLoad, I have subscribed to notifications to get external callback notifications. I dont know why I am not getting notifications in my app if i have changed anything in my iphone contacts.
i am new on iphone apps.Now this is my first app,app is installed but not run? I write this code it shows memory leak.please find out.Thanks in advance.
I want to get all the iPhone contacts in my iphone application.Is it possible?If so how?An开发者_如何学编程ybody please help me.Apple has a programming guide for the address book framework:
I store the data into an NSMutableArray The issue is that the ABRecord is sometimes incomplete. For example, I am expecting the user to have the following data
I am tring to get email address of ABRecordRef like this: ABRecordRef ref = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( allPeople, i );
NSMutableArray *tempMutableArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; if (street != NULL) { [tempMutableArray addObject:(NSString *)street];
I\'d like to add some custom buttons to an ABUnknownPersonView. Can I use initWithNibName:bundle: in my ABUnknownPersonViewController to load a custom view that I\'ve created in IB, while not using an
I\'m having trouble understanding how to access the properties of an address in a an ABAddressBookRef. I\'ve done it okay with telephone numbers: