Dear folks, Closure Compiler gives this warnings in Advanced Mode, underlining {this. JSC_USED_GLOBAL_THIS: dangerous use of the global this object at line 200 character 33
I have a JavaScript function that handles mouse button events. It must be able to distinguish between left and right mouse buttons. Sadly, Internet Explorer uses different values for event.button than
The online closure compiler is amazing: However, when using the advanced option, will it affect performance of the script at all?IE, will it make it faster o
I\'m using \"Closure Compiler\", when compiling my scripts I spend the following: Before compiling: // ==ClosureCompiler==
Trying to intergrate the closure compiler service into one of my applications and having some issues.
If you\'re using the module pattern and have something like this: (function () { \"use strict\"; // this function is strict...
I have manage to create a small size js application that uses jQuery and jQuery UI using google\'s closure compiler with advanced optimizations. Just for clarity: I have not compiled jQuery itself, ju
I work on a relatively huge ECMAScript codebase (> 60,000 LOC) and we tend to struggle a bit with detecting errors for our dreaded friend Internet Explorer (especially 6 and 7).
Suppose you are working in a javascript project with several external library dependencies, and want to compile your sources using the Google Closure Compiler in ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS mode.
How can I get my application to be 100% typed in regard to google closure compiler? I already tagged everything with jsdoc comments. Is it开发者_开发问答 even possible to get 100? I\'m at 64,6%It IS