There were two good reasons why Ruby 1.8 didn\'t support certain kinds of overloading like ||/or, &&/and, !/not, ?::
There is a very noticeable difference in application initiation time between running my specs from the command line with ruby 1.9.x vs. 1.8.7.My application initiates much faster with ruby 1.8.7 than
Currently Google SketchUp for Mac has Ruby version 1.8.5 which I find a bit outdated. I can update Ruby to 1.8.7 (OSX\'s version) by the following commands
I have a Rails project with a lot of Cyrillic strings in it. It worked fine on Ruby 1.8, but Ruby 1.9 assumes source files are US-ASCII-encoded unless you provide an # encoding: utf-8 comment at the
So ruby 1.9 is really nice in that it\'ll automatically require rubygems, and hence when you call require \'somegem\' without first requiring rubygems it\'ll work, and that\'s generally awesome.
I have a Rails application running on Rails 2.3.9. It runs fine with ruby 1.8.7. I\'m testing it with ruby 1.9.2-head right now.
I would like to execute some methods atomicity with Ruby, according to
I am getting the following encoding error when trying to scrape web pages with hpricot in ruby 1.9: Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8
Given an array containing other nested arrays, I want to create an array containing only the elements from the first array. For example [[\"1\", \"2\"], \"3\", [[\"4\"]]] should evaluate to [\"1\", \"
I\'m making a gem for internal use. In it, I load some YAML from another directory: # in <project_root>/bin/magicwand