My question is the same as discussed in this thread from five years ago (which has no good answer). I\'m serializing my objects into a byte buffer, like so:
Hy...I try to explain better my question... Im using boost serialization text archive before sending data over TCP connection...
I am trying to serialize a class to a string using the boost serialization library and included in my class are several double member variables.
I use rather complex d开发者_C百科ata structures (mostly using STL containers) in my app, and serialize them using Boost (v1.34).
Anyone can share small working example of using together boost message_queue and seri开发者_开发百科alization? I want use classes to exchange data between processes but stuck in my research. You shoul
I need to (de)serialize data on both Windows and Linux (and transfer the files in between). I wanted to use the portable binary archives of Boost\'s serialization library which can be found in the exa
I am using Boost Serialization to serialize data members for transport from one component to another.The documentation discusses how to use the class version mechanism tounserialize both older and new
I\'m using Boost.MPI to exchange messages between processes. Each message carries one of my classes, serialized using Boost.Serialization. I also use the same serialization code to save that class to
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I am using boost serialization, mostly the intrusive version. For a template Matrix class I would like to have the non-intrusive version which works on Visual Studio with the following code: