I get the time from the database in Unix format. It looks like this: console.log (time); Result: 1300709088000
I have data that represents different sessions of users. This is in a format like UserStartTimeEndTime
Not sure whats up with the code $date = strtotime(\"%b %d, %Y\", $datedata); $time = strtotime(\"%I:%M:%S %p\", $datedata);
I see a lot of discussion about getting dates that are pre-1970. For example, I see people ask a question like, \"how do I get a date before 1970?\"
So I have a unixtime datetime stamp. For arguments sake, lets say it\'s now at 23:49:24 on 21/02/2011 (GMT). This would be:
I have news items that when created adds the time of creation date/time in unix timestamp format into the database. If i wanted to order by most recent first would i use ASC or DESC in my mysql query?
I\'ve a function which converts an RFC 822 timestamp to unixtime #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h>
I want to delete records from a database when they are 7 days or older. I have my server time set to UK time but for some reason the code I wrote below always echo\'s Account Deleted as 7 or more days
Given a time_t or struct timeval, how do I get the timeval or time_t of midnight EST/EDT ( local timezone ) on that day ?
I am using the following code to try to get the HOUR_OF_DAY (0-23) of a unix timestamp, converted to milliseconds.The timestamp \'1296442971\' converts to Sun Jan 30 2011 22:02:51 GMT-0500 (EST).