I want to provide for partial matching, so I am tacking on * to the end of search queries. What I\'ve noticed is that a search query of gatorade will return 12 results whereas gatorade* returns 7. So
I\'m very much a vb person, but have had to use this id number class in c#. I got it from http://www.codingsanity.com/idnumber.htm :
网易娱乐1月4日报道 打造理想生活空间、记录青年人理想生活方式的综艺节目《念念桃花源》正在浙江卫视热播,优酷、爱奇艺同步上线。上周六播出的首期节目便凭借嘉宾阮经天、张天爱、周奇默契融洽的相处氛围,以及悠闲