Every time I call IJavaProject.findPackageFragmentRoots(IClasspathEntry cpe) and pass it an IClasspathEntry of kind CPE_PROJECT, it returns an empty list. I paused the debugger and ran the following l
Eclipse is driving me nuts right now. It\'s probably something trivial but I just don\'t get it. Whenever I like to add a breakpoint, the regular icons are crossed out in the editor and breakpoints vi
You can manually set it via _Package Explorer / JRE System Library / rt.jar -> contextmenu -> properties
Visual Studio has an option to break开发者_StackOverflow automatically into the debugger when an unhandled exception is thrown, does Eclipse have similar functionality?You are able to define the preci
Is there a way to use jdt ASTParser to get the value of a String field declared in a java file. Actually what I need is to resolve any possible dependencies from other classe开发者_如何学Pythons e.g.
I want to use some of the libraries produced by the Eclipse project through Maven. I \'ve had a look at the main Maven repo and while it looks like that there are a few projects already imported, thei
I am working on an Eclipse plugin that modifies Java code in a user\'s project. Basically the result of this plugin is that Java annotations are added to some methods, so
I want to programmatically get the model of an anonymous class or locally declared type (i.e. an instance of IType) from the JDT Java Search Engine, known by fully qualified name. So far, I did well w
I know that the eclipse code completion widget ca开发者_如何学Cn be customized to add new suggestions and even to change the order.
I\'m building a Java IDE and am trying to implement autocompletion or intellisense. After looking around for something that will do most of the work for me (not reinventing the wheel etc) I\'ve pulled