I\'d like to write a small script that implements RFC4709 for OS/X. I started off by creating an application bundle that registers the application/xml+davmount mimetype and launches a simple python s
MIME::Types.type_for(filename) What gem do I need to install, and w开发者_如何学Gohat file do I need to require to use that?gem install mime-types and require \'mime/types\'You can use hash to map c
How can I check if a file is an mp3 file or image file, o开发者_JS百科ther than check each possible extension?Native ways to get the mimetype:
I have a form button that submits the data to generic scri开发者_运维百科pt (the same page that the form is loaded from, index.php) and if the right POST variables are submitted to that script, it ret
This question already has answers here: How to get a file's Media Type (MIME type)? (27 answers) Closed 7 years ago.
Is there a command-line tool that sniffs video/audio files and generates detailed content-type strings for them, in the format specified in the HTML5 spec and in RFC4281?
I am trying to trap drag and drop events from the standard Apple address book app to my Qt app. This code works fine with Qt 4.4. on Mac OS X 10.4:
I am working on a document that requires 开发者_Go百科a user to upload a Microsoft Word Documents.
after I define a kind of file format, it is dificult for hosting providers开发者_高级运维 to register it for my site? i can ask that after i paid the service? it must be a mime type properly register
The Sun Cloud API at http://kenai.com/projects/suncloudapis/pages/Home is a good example to follow for a RESTful API.True to RESTful principles, when you GET a resource you get no more nor less than a