As a seasoned Spring user I was assuming that Spring Integration would make the most sense in a recent project requiring some (JMS) messaging capabilities (more details). After some days working with
We are looking at integrating some of our coarse grained business Services using an Event Driven Architecture (EDA) and the server side of these Services (REST) are implemented in both Java and .NET (
I have a following question. I have to generate many files based on sql query. Let\'s say for example, I have get from database a list of orders made today and genarate file for each order and late
I have a message routing to implement, which has routes that vary according to the message content. Some strands of the route are dependent on other.
I have a very simple camel route. It starts with a CXF Endpoint exposed as a web service. I then want to convert it to xml and call a method on a bean.
I have an ActiveMq topic which I wish to transform and share with an external broker.At present I have the following which performs the transforma开发者_运维问答tion:
I have been开发者_StackOverflow社区 trying to add my own performance counter, and I\'m unable to use this performance counter for my routes.
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I\'m trying to determine my options for clustering my ServiceMix 3.3.1/Camel 2.1/AMQ 5.3 application.I\'m performing high volume message processing and I need to cluster for high availability and hori
I have difficulties wrapping my head around the concept. I am trying to implement an endpoint that listens on a tcp port for incoming messages in a proprietary format, which would then transform the