I\'m developping a web app with CodeIgniter on back-end and Backbone.js on front-end. I\'m also using HTML5 Boilerplate as my start template.
I have the following code $(document).ready(function() { if (\"onhashchange\" in window) { alert(\"The browser supports the hashchange event!\");
I\'ve got this issue (I\'m using jQuery but I\'m not restricted to it): I\'m using a combo of Anchor navigation (#id) and Ajax requests. To get the pages to move into place (using anchor navigation)
hey guys, i\'m loading a div from a subsite with ajax. this subsite has a link in it like this: <a href=\"#someIDonHomepage\">anchorlink</a>
I am trying to write a JavaScript script that is \"overlayed\" on top of a Facebook page. It uses DOMContentLoaded to detect when content is loaded, then adds some extra stuff in. However, because Fac
Please consider the following two domains: domain1.com and domain2. From domain1 I open an iframe that points to domain2.
Does onHashChange or hashChange work in Safari? I tested it with Safari 4.0.4 on Windows 7 and it doesn\'t work for me.
I\'m trying to check if the browser supports onHashChange or not to hide some code from it if not, in this way:
So I see a lot of people recommend the hidden-iFrame hack that is jQuery history plugin but all I really need is the other half of this technique:
Is there any way I can change the URL or add more history to the \"back button\" without having to refresh the entire page?