I\'d like to call Python\'s distutils\' or setuptools\' setup() function in a slightly unconventional way, but I\'m not sure whether distutils is meant for this kind of usage.
I am configuring a distutils-based setup.py for a python module that is to be installed on a heterogeneous set of resources.Due to the heterogeneity, the location where the module is installed is not
I\'m looking for a way to include some feature in a python (extension) module in installation phase. In a practical manner:
I\'m using cx_Freeze to freeze my Python code so I can distribute it as executable on Windows systems. It works fine but it\'s missing a few modules. I use some open-source libraries in my project e.g
I\'m using Python 2.6 and cx_Freeze 4.1.2 on a Windows system. I\'ve created the setup.py to build my executable and everything works fine.
I\'m using cx_freeze to freeze a Python script for distribution 开发者_运维知识库to other windows systems. I did everything as instructed and cx_freeze generated abuild\\exe.win32-2.6 folder in the fo
I\'m trying to install matplotlib on my mac setup. I find that setup.py has inaccurate flags, in particular the isysroot points to an earlier SDK.
I\'m abusing distutils to compile an extension module for Python, but rather than using the Python C API I\'m using ctypes to talk to the resulting shared library.
Setuptools lets you list requirements for optional features # mypackage \'extras_require\' : { \'PDF\' : [\'reportlab\'], \'DOCX\' : [\'docxlib\'] }
For a package of mine, I have a README.rst file that is read into the setup.py\'s long description like so: