Is there some way to import an extension from an .egg file? For example hggit installs itself as hg_git-0.2.4-py2.5.egg, which cannot be listed under [extensions] directly, or it\'s interpreted as a s
What\'s the best way to install two python modules with the same name? I currently depend on two different facebook libraries: pyfacebook and Facebook\'s new python-sdk. Both of these libraries instal
Here\'s my stripped-down script with non-code stuff removed: #!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup
I just made a small app and then wrote开发者_StackOverflow a file for it. Everything seems to be working, except I can\'t figure out a small thing.
I\'ve just started working with setuptools and virtualenv. My package requires the latest python-gearman that is only available from GitHub. The python-gearman version that\'s on PyPI is an old one. T
I want to create a bytecode-only distribution from distutils (no really, I do; I know what I\'m doing). Using setuptools and the bdist_egg command, you can simply provide the --exclude-source paramete
I found Question#1321270 for post install. My main target for the moment is bdist_wininst, but i did not find anything related to uninstall...
Suppose we have a program called foo. If use absolute path: setup(..., data_files=[..., (\'/etc\', [\'foo.cfg\'])]
The distutils documentation specifies that when the target directory for data_files is a 开发者_如何学JAVArelative path, the files will be installed relative to sys.prefix. On my system (Linux Mint),
I configured MinGW and distutils so now I can compile extensions using this command: install MinGW\'s gcc compiler will be used and package will be installed. For that I installed MinGW an