We are in the process of re-thinking our tech stack and below are our choices (We can\'t live without Spring and Hibernate due to the complexity etc of the app). We are also moving from J2EE 1.4 to Ja
I\'m using Atomikos essential transactions as my TM in my J2SE application. I have the following code:
Hi all I have done an application configuration using hybernate + JPA ,and atomikos for XA transcation management and spring 3.0 and mysql is my backend,here every thing is working fine however inser
I have such managed bean in my Java EE 6 app: @Named @RequestScoped @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
I want to execute a stored procedure inside a JTA transaction, but have to use a local transaction instead for some reason. I\'ve create a pointcut, using a local transaction manager for this, but exc
I have a code for jta transcations as follows: try{ //start jta user transcation utx //commit utx }catch(Exception ex){
I am using Spring 2.0.6 and Hibernate 3.2.x onapache tomcat5.5,now we planed to changed ourhybernate mapping filesinto hybernate+jpa support mapping files.
I\'ve started working with EHCache as a transactional cache (XAResource) in a JTA UserTransaction and I\'m seeing something which is a bit strange, at least in my mind, and I\'d like to understand wh
I\'m working with EJBs...I do the following and I don\'t know why the injected EntityManager is not working as one might expect.
I\'m trying to use EHCache\'s transactional abilities together with Atomikos and Apache Tomcat (for usage with JMS and Hibernate but that\'s just to assure the sceptics I really need JTA).