So I have a C++ application that takes a value from a key in a settings.INI file, uses libcurl to reach out to a PHP page, post that data, and it should return some different data.
What would be the easiest way to convert the \"res\" variable (CURLcode) into a CString? Here\'s the standard example which compiles fine on my machine but I want to use this in a MFC app and display
Here is the situation... I am using Visual C++ 2010 Express. I am trying to create a windows forms application that can load the source code of any given URL into a RichTextBox.I wish to accomplish
Hello i have made a curl test on an ip and i could get the response infos( times, response code,...) this time i want to make it work on several ip\'s in the same time. I found that could be possible
my application crashes using libcurl for some unknown reason. It crashed spontaneously after many loops of the same code while using Guard Malloc.
Recently I am trying to link libcurl with dev c++ statically.I linked all the .a files except libcurldll.a file which came from libcurl and I defined CURL_STATICLIB . But I received some linker errors
Using CURL/PHP, how can I measure server\'s execution time? and what is the diference b/w STARTTRANSFER_TIME and 开发者_如何转开发PRETRANSFER_TIME ?Regarding STARTTRANSFER_TIME and PRETRANSFER_TIME.
I am trying to statically link libcurl (with SSL) into my project, but I am encountering lots of linker errors:
I have this code for curl: size_t write_to_string(void * ptr,size_t size,size_t nmeb,ResponseStruct * res_struct){
I am getting Warning: curl_close(): supplied argument is not a valid cURL handle resource in \\path\\ on line 123