I\'ve been using NSViewAnimation for some time now and I\'ve read somewhere that Core Animation actually obsoletes it if I target 10.5 or higher. But does every Mac ca开发者_如何学Gopable of running 1
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I\'m trying to find the best pragmatic approach to import functions on the fly... let me explain. Say I have a directory called functions which has these files:
On which versions of Windows (including minimum service pack level, if necessary) is the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 supported?
An SRS should specify \"logical requirements\" but not start \"design\". My problem is in the IEEE SRS document (IEEE Std 830-1998) section 5.3.4 says:
Are there any requirements management plugins out there for Trac? I checked the list on Trac-Hacks and didn\'t see anything
All, If I were to develop a kiosk app using开发者_如何学C Windows presentation foundation, c# and .net, what hardware requirements would I need. I plan on making it a standalone desktop app. It would
Apparently the General Systems Model and Organizational Model are part of requirements phase of a software development project using the waterfall model (according to my professor), but we did not lea
I\'m not sure this is appropriate for stackoverflow, but I don\'t know where else to ask. I\'m studying the B-Method for proving consistence in requirement specifications, and I have an issue with the
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