I\'m worki开发者_C百科ng on a server project that implements a proprietary protocol. The server is implement with factory pattern in C++, and we\'re now facing the problem of downcasting.
I have this method: private Message getMessage(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { CommandEnum caption = CommandEnum.valueOf(in.readUTF());
So I have this code: Node* SceneGraph::getFirstNodeWithGroupID(const int groupID) { return static_cast<Node*>(mTree->getNode(groupID));
I get several objects of type Foo from a call to an external API. Locally I want to process those objects with a little added information so I have a subclass FooSon that adds those extra fields. How
Sorry, i really dont know how to make a headline for that question; maybe there is a name for what im trying to do that i dont know, but i can explain it with some code:
How can I downcast a list of objects so that each of the objects in the list is downcast to an object of a derived class?
public class Animal{ int n = 5; public static void main(String[] args) { Animal a = new Animal(); Animal ah = new Horse();
I was trying to do something like class O has a child E I declare the variable O xyz = new E(); but then if I call xyz.method(), I can only call those in class O\'s methods, not E\'s, so I can
I have a simple hierarchy tree structure with a base class Node representing a node. A node could be of another specific type (subclassing).
In the following code, while constructing obj in case 1, we construct a derived class object too, but its member functions are just inaccessible to obj. So while downcasting (i.e., in case 2), using o