Currently, Isubscribe a feed. It\'s content has multi-pages, but the feed\'s item only points to the first page. So if I only subscribe this feed in google reader, I can only view th开发者_开发技巧e f
When use \"fetch page\" module, you can get the content of the page and assign it to a item\'s variable.
the RSS feed of isn\'t valid because the \"&\" char is not allowed in RSS feeds. In or开发者_开发问答der to solve that issue I\'ve added a WordPress filter in my functions.php file.
The problem is that in the feed dialog - we see a ? for the thubmnail rather than an actual thumbnail image.
I have a fb app that has an html anchor tag which uses href = it works fine.
I am trying to set properties of post. And I am posting news feed using 开发者_如何学Ccurl. I am setting properties like this but it is not working.
i get the facebook news feed from the requestGraphWithPath:andDelegate method. All ok, but one things isn\'t clear : how can i get the user\'s profile photo that post the feed? Every news has link, da
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I\'ve been googling and trying to find some answers to this, but haven\'t been successful.This used to work just fine.
I have an application that is going to post on the wall with the method FEEd but I would like to link a name to a specific page.