Why is that? The state of the datarow is added. When I delete the row the开发者_运维问答 state is unchanged. Why not deleted? That\'s the reason my Delete Store Procedure is never called!
Private Function ColumnEqual(ByVal A As Object, ByVal B As Object) As Boolean If A Is DBNull.Value AndAlso B Is DBNull.Value Then
I would like create a custom DataRow that will have -let\'s say- a propery called IsCheapest. public class RateDataRow : DataRow
I have one application, in that i am using a datarow object like this. DataRow[] drRow; drRow = _dsmenu.Tables[\"tblmenu\"].Select(\"id=\'\" + DocID + \"\'\");
I am trying to create a method that takes a DataTable or a DataRowCollection and converts it to an array of a generic type. Something like this:
I want to update a single datarow in a datatable using multiple threads. Is this actually possible? I\'ve written the following code implementing a simple multi-threading to update a s开发者_如何学Go
I\'ve cobbled together a C# program that takes a .csv file and writes it to a DataTable.Using this program, I can loop through each row of the DataTable and print out the information contained in the
This question already has answers here: ADO.NET DataRow - check for column existence (2 answers) Closed 8 years ago.
As I iterate through a DataTable object, I need to check each of its DataRow objects against the items in a generic string List.
I\'m writing a small app to do a little processing on some cells in a CSV file I have. I\'ve figured out how to read and write CSV files with a library I found online, but I\'m having trouble: the lib