开发者_JAVA技巧can we load seed data when start cucumber? Please support me a way.You could use Factory Girl to in your cucumber tests to setup your \'stuff\'
I\'m trying to seed a database in Rails 3 with images using CarrierWave, however nothing I try seems to work short of having to upload them all by hand.
I need to do this for testing only, but then undo it when the test is done. I have seen some tutorials online on how to re-seed a table, but not so much on how to undo it.
I have a rails model called County that has 5 columns of data for different population attributes for that county. There is a record in the counties table for each county in the US. I now need to add
I have a lot of data that I\'m trying to seed into a polymorphic model in Rails 2.3.8. The association for all of the data is with the County model. The data looks like:
I got question about IDENTITY_INSERT. When you change it to ON, SQL Server automatically changes AUTOINC_NEXT value to the last inserted value as identity.
I found Seed, which is basically a JavaScript environment and binding for programming GTK+. Are there any limitations compared to using e.开发者_如何学Cg. C and C++? Are there any major speed concerns
I have an XML file containing seed data that I\'m trying to load into my production database. The problem being that I have associations between different data types / nodes in the XML file, and so I
As part of teaching myself python I\'ve written a script which allows a user to play hangman. At the moment, the hangman word to be guessed is simply entered manually at the start of the script\'s cod
I updated my rails gem to 2.3.5 but I keep getting this error when running db:seed: $ rake db:seed --trace