I\'m using RestEasy together with Spring in Tomcat. I have a simple controller method which I want to use via Ajax (with JSON or XML response) and via a standard browser request (Using HTML as a respo
I\'m throwing an exception MyCustomException from my application. (EJB Layer) I\'ve an exception mapper in web service layer which looks like following -
We have a RESTFul webservice that returns a list of persons. /person/list However, the business wants to return only \"active\" persons. i.e. persons created after 开发者_如何学Go2009.
I have a simple restful service that开发者_StackOverflow社区 transforms a JAXB-anntotated beans to response XML using RestEasy.
I\'m running a process in a separate thread with a timeout, using an ExecutorService and a Future (example code here) (the thread \"spawning\" takes place in a AOP Aspect).
So the business requires us to implement Partial Updates. HTTP PUT only caters to the case where the client sends across a complete representation of the resource.
A resource can be identified by multiple URIs. e.g. /person/1234 /person/list?fname=John /person/list?lname=Doe
I have to send a ByteArrayOutputStream through a rest service, and I got this exception: org.jboss.resteasy.client.ClientResponseFailure: Unable to find a MessageBodyReader of content-type text/html
(We could do with a jboss7.x tag now). Does anyone know what might cause the error below? start is a field within a JSON object I\'m trying to send to my resteasy Application.
Good mournig guys! How to send a List like param to a Resteasy service? When I\'ll execute throws the exception follow: