I have a multipart / form-data form to upload a csv file to a rest easy (JAX RS) webservice. This file can contain
In my RESTEasy application I\'m getting a java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException, because a checked exception is being thrown from a method that doesn\'t declare the exception in the throws 开
In my JAXRS application, I have 2 ExceptionMapper registered as @Provider public 开发者_如何学JAVAclass MyExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<Exception> {...}
How to get http response contents when status >=400 is returned. That\'s my code sample : try { ChatService client = ProxyFactory.create(ChatService.class, apiUrl);
I\'m trying to get my contacts from Windows Live using RestEasy After succesfully authenticating my user, I\'ve made the call to https://livecontacts.services.live.com/users/@L@/rest/livecontacts
I would like to have the following kind of resource class work when deployed under RestEasy in JBoss 6:
I have been trying to get Resteasy to work (and not it dose). However I now have another headache with accessing the EJB:s. I have tried injecting them, looking them up with jndi and most other soluti
I am using the RESTEasy client framework to call a RESTful webservice.The call is made via a POST and sends some XML data to the server.How do I accomplish this?
I would like to allow users to access images saved in web folder. For example - I have an image in web root folder \"blank.png\". But the link http://localhost:8080/myapp/blank.png returns 404 (not f
(specifically RESTeasy) It would be nice (for a single file)开发者_运维技巧 to have a method signature like: