I write a program which generate orthogonal representation of a planar graph. For this job I use GHC 6.10.1. My code bases on FGL library. It uses to keep a graph structure.
When profiling a Haskell program written in GHC, the names of typeclass functions are mangled in the .prof file to distinguish one instance\'s implementations of them from another.How can I demangle t
With respect to how packag开发者_如何学Ces are created, installed and used in Haskell, what is the relationship between ghc-pkg and cabal?
Is it possible to use CPP extension on Haskell code which contains multiline string literals? Are there other conditional compilation techniques for Haskell?
mifun s = foldr op 0 s where op x r = head x + r Is the开发者_Python百科re a way to make ghci tell me?try :t mifun (short for :type mifun)
I have the following code: main = do putStr \"Test input : \" content <- getLine putStrLn content When I run it (with runhaskell) or compile it (ghc 6.10.4) the result is like this:
For a tool I\'m writing ( http://hackage.haskell.org/package/explore ) I need a way to read haskell function definitions at run-time, apply them to values from my tool and retrieve the results of thei
I built a really simple read-eval-print-loop in Haskell that catches Control-C (UserInterrupt).However, whenever I compile and run this program, it always catches the first Control-C and always aborts
I\'m working on a project for analyzing Haskell code.I decided to use GHC to parse the source and infer types rather than write my own code to do that.Right now, I\'m slogging through the Haddock docs
I\'m going out of my mind trying to simply output UTF-8-encoded data to the console. I\'ve managed to accomplish this using String, but now I\'d like to do the same with ByteString. Is there a nice a