I\'m calling emacsclientw on Win7 to process an Org file.I want the Emacs buffer to be closed after processing, so that if the file is edited outside Emacs and the call is resent to emacsclientw it wi
I have a large journal file with date entries like this: [2011-06-23 Thu] some text [2011-06-22 Wed] some more text
Is there a way to tell org-mode to load only the first N lines of a long text file? I would like to keep the whole file open to be able 开发者_运维问答to search through it, but have org-mode display o
It\'s been some time now that I am trying to get myself to write a parser in Javascript for org-mode. I had no trouble at all parsing the outline (which I did in a few minute开发者_运维百科s), but par
I\'m working on a C++ project. Suppose I have the following directory structure: project/ project/src And I have the following files:
I am writing a function that tests for brokens links in an org-mode buffer: (setq urls \'(\"http://google.com\" \"http://bing.com\" \"http://www.yahoo.com\"\"http://thisdoesntexist.net\"))
When I do \'org-sear开发者_如何学JAVAch-view\' (C-c a s) in org-agenda and visit the file by pressing SPC (org-agenda-show-and-scroll-up) on the result in agenda buffer, I want to highlight the search
I am trying to export a literal string from Emacs Org-mode to Latex for subsequent export to PDF. The literal string is:
I am using Emacs 23.2 and I am using org-mode to keep track of my tasks. I have quite a list of tasks that I have made up as events by mentioning the time period and adding the SCHEDULED tag for the t
Out of the box in Emacs Org Mode, an email address example@example.com is not linked. mailto:example@example.com is a working link but is ugly.