I need to test for a certain structural property of a couple million SPARQL queries, and for that I need the structure of the WHERE statement. I\'m currently trying to use fyzz to do this, but unfortu
How to display data\'s property label? I working for dbpedia ontology, I want to make a sparql query, below is my sample query.This result is mix up either datatype or object type, I want to datatype
I am looking into developing Iphone app that will use Data from wikipedia.I learned that you can query wiki using sparql end point.Does any one know any websites that can be used to query such data.I
How to get a list of properties for a specif开发者_StackOverflow中文版ic class? Consider the class dbpedia-owl:Person. All instances of the Person class have some properties prefixed with dbpprop:. Ho
If you look at the original Wordnet search and select \"Display options: Show Lexical File Info\", you\'ll see an extremely useful classification of words called lexical file. Eg for \"filling\" we ha
I want to execute the following query: SELECT ?name1 ?name2 WHERE { ?article1 rdf:type bench:Article . ?article2 rdf:type bench:Article .
I am quite comfortable using SQL but having an impossible time understanding SPARQL. For starters, I don\'t even understand how to look at the structure of the data (in MySQL I would just do describe
I\'ve got a problem while parsing a OWLS Document (RDF) with Jena. The document is the OWLS Grounding, there are a piece of code of my interest:
I\'m using ARC2 library for php to issue sparql queries, and i got stuck on this issue (I don\'t think it has something to do with the lib).
I\'m trying to insert an individual into my file owl with Sparql update 1.1 but it doesn\'t work. If any one has an example, please don\'t hesitate to give me an answer.