I\'d like to learn more about RDF/SPARQL implementation internals, but most of the frameworks are (necessarily) somewhat complicated by real-world performance and i开发者_开发问答mplementation conside
I\'m a firm believer in learning a platform or technology by playing with it. So I\'ve kind of glanced at SPARQL and thus far haven\'t really gotten to into it because it just ... looks daunting (as d
_WeCh****81957 2022-05-29 21:01 开发者_如何转开发无痛人流手术是在患者没有任何感觉的情况下进行的无痛手术,患者不会感到疼痛,同时手术的成功率安全性和无痛性都是最高的。根据医院和地区等级的不同百,流
This question is a bit hard to phrase and I\'m not sure if I understand the underlying issue, but here goes:
I don\'t quite understand RDF, but I am looking to convert RSS feeds from places like yahoo and google into RDF format to display on a website.
I am trying to get Pellet to propagate properties from classes down to the individuals belonging to those classes. For example, if I have Class A with Property X, and Individual B with rdf:type=Class
This works: SELECT * WHERE{ ?x rdfs:la开发者_开发问答bel \"Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi\"@en . ?x foaf:name ?z .
Looking for tools for debugging n3.开发者_Go百科 Are we stuck with using XML just because of easier debugging?\"tools\" is a rather large area from IDEs, editors, command line...You can always just ru
Im running a sparql query on a file that contains <User rdf:about=\"#RJ\"> <hasName rdf:datatype=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string\">RJ</hasName>