Here is a pattern I am thinking about in ASP : Imagine you have a file main.asp that contains <!--#include file=\"1.asp\"-->
Hey everyone... I\'m not too familiar with PHP... but I have PHP code that basically \"includes\" a file if a condition exists.This PHP code is going to be pretty lengthy and I was wondering if it was
I have several separate websites that live in separate directories. For includes that they have in common, I have it living in the root directory where the rest of them live.
On a PHP site using the smarty template engine (or at least a close relative of smarty), I am calling a template include file (\"header.html\") which contains this code excerpt, along with other HTML
I have an ASP.NET master page which references a #include file as follows: <!--#include virtual=\"/includes/\"-->
Simple question: Is the scope of require_once global? For example: <?PHP require_once(\'baz.php\'); // do some stuff
I have been trying to figure this out a while. I would like to make my app engine website use basic html and shtml whenever in order to avoid the slow warm-up phase of jsp apps on app engine. This is
I have an identical horizontal menu at the top of all of my pages, which I add using a PHP include() statement.In my stylesheet I want to have a class where if the user is on a particular page开发者_G
I desperately want to use server-side includes in a project I\'m working on because I just have some HTML that repeats and I need to get it on several pages. Must I use ascx or some other include tech
If I had a large number of functions would it be better to keep them all in one large file or would it be better to separate them into several files of related functions. By better I mean more efficie