I have 2 asp.net web applications running in IIS7: http://app1.local/ and http://app2.local/ My host.ini file just maps the above urls to localhost:
I have a situation where ideally I want to be able to log-in to a secure area using a Java application.
Hopefully someone can help... I need to provide client with a solution to allow bulk creation of user accounts into SharePoint SSO. The client wants to provide an excel spreadsheet with accounts, use
[ # question edited for clarification # ] I\'m trying to implement a Single Sign On (SSO) for a web application. Maybe you can help me find a proper solution, give me a direction or tell me, that sol
I want to implement Single Sign On with Kerberos in Java and have successfully managed to create a ticket for the Service using the ticket from the Windows logon. Unfortunately, I can only create that
We have an application which relies heavily on Adobe Spry. For authentication purposes a Single Sign On Solution is used. (Its a WebSeal, but I don\'t think that matters to much)
Is it possible to load content within an IFRAME that subsequently returns a 302 redirect, without having it redirect the entire browser window to the destination? I.e. limit the redirect to the IFRAME
I am hosting my web application on windows server 2008 with IIS 7.5, I have 2 web applications: 1. the first one is the core sso (Single Sign-on) service witha login page.
We have a single sign on implementation for a family of websites where the authentication cookie comes from the root domain (e.g. bar.com), allowing them to be logged into a child domain (e.g. foo.bar
Its not explicitly cross domain sessions that I am looking for, but its the easiest way to explain what it is I want.