I want to add some debugging code to an already compiled java class while not touching the original class. I\'m thinking of using AspectJ, but I just want to know if it is possible, and if so how?
I have a Java app that uses Spring, and I have the aspect @Aspect public class MyAspect { @Pointcut(\"execution (* com.mycompany.MyClass.*(..))\")
I\'m doing the compile time AspectJ weaving on existing classes, that is working beautifully in eclipse(AJDT). But when I run test in in maven using surefire , the test cases of this class where the a
I know AspectJ and use it successfully. One of our aspects adds Beanstyl开发者_C百科e Property Change support to classes by surrounding each setX method with the corresponding calls to a firePropertyC
I\'m trying to add a specific piece of SQL to all SQL executed in a system using AspectJ. I\'ve not used AspectJ before but I believe what I need to do is create a pointcut on
I have an aspect that is called for any of the pointcuts defined, similar to something like this: @Around(\"pointcut1(request) || pointcut2(request) || pointcut3(request)\")
I have referred to the AspectJ reference here it states that the \'c开发者_运维问答flow\' is cflow(Pointcut) - every join point in
I have aspectjrt-1.5.4.jar, aspectjweaver-1.6.1.jar, org.springframework.aop-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar in my applications classpath.
I am using the @AspectJ style for writing aspects, to handle logging in our application.Basically I have a pointcut set up like so:
package a; Class X public fX(int i, String s); package b; Class Y public fY(String arg1, String arg2, int arg3){