AStar works on the basis of straight lines, AFAIK. In my case, we have geocoordinates and I can get the straight line distance between the waypoints. But I am wondering how approximate will that be?
Well, this is my updated code. It doesn\'t slow down, but no path appears. public static IntPosition[] GetPath(BlockType[,] blocks, IntPosition start, IntPosition end, int threshhold)
So I\'m trying to write a Python implementation of the A* algorithm.My algorithm finds the path to the target without trouble, but when I get the program to visualize the closed and open lists, I noti
So my current project is mostly in Python, but I\'m looking to rewrite the most computationally expensive portions in C++ to try and boost performance.Much of this I can achieve via simple functions l
I am having a bit of trouble getting the H and G to function properly. What is happening is when I run the program it sometimes finds the best path and sometimes goes way out of the way to get to the
Following the apparent tradition of of using this question as the basis of new questions I too have a problem I am looking to solve as elegantly as possible:
In order to get a better understanding of C and to try and improve the performance of an app I am building for iOS, I decided to implement the path finding in C.
From what I understand about A* heuristics and how the Bresenham algorithm works, this may not be be possible since only the current state and goal state are passed to the heuristic function. But mayb
I am currently doing a project for a post-grad agents paper. For my project I have an idea about extending anytime searches such as ARA* ADA* and DLite*. I want to test this idea by simulating it on a
You have a map of square tiles where you can move in any of the 8 directions. Given that you have function called cost(tile1, tile2) which tells you the cost of moving from one adjacent tile to anothe