I use XStream to serialize an object \"A\" implementing an interface : interface MyInterface { String functionA();
I\'m having trouble in unmarshalling xml with XStream to an Object. The attribute value for operation is never set to field operation in my ImportItem object. For my other elements that contain attrib
I\'m trying to load an XML file of the following format: <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>
I am trying to use Spring RestTemplate to retrieve a List of Employee records, such as: public List<Employee> getEmployeesByFirstName(String firstName) {
I\'ve got an object which contains list of strings. How is it possible to define that the String.cl开发者_运维技巧ass should be serialized with alias \"somealias\" instead of \"string\" through annota
Is there a way to prevent XStream from displaying something like follows: <user class=\"string\">user</user>
Does anyone know why I am getting a namespace on an XML node for the property \"object\"? It should just be开发者_StackOverflow中文版 <object>JeffF Cross</object>.The property in debug mo
I\'m using xStream to manipulate XML. All is okay. To put on XML archive and other things. But, I have a problem:
I have a large XML document that I want to convert to a Java bean. It has a lot of tags a开发者_运维知识库nd attributes, but I\'m interested only in a handful of those. Unfurtounately, it seems that X
Imean that there might be two or more XXXConverter e开发者_运维技巧xtends ReflectionConverter that might return true here